Infoceuticals: Energy Medicine Tincture


Using the concept E=mc2 and energy medicine we can electronically transfer medicinal waves into a tincture made just for you. These medicinal waves are called infocueticals (IC). When we transfer ICs of medicinal substances to the water we create homeopathic dosages - technically there is no active substance present in the IC water, but under the influence of an electromagnetic field with a specific spectrum, the technology makes water molecules organize in a certain way that mimics the energy signature of the original substance. The same thing happens when homeopathic remedies are created. The restructured water can interact with receptors in our body and cause a similar reaction as if it was the substance itself.

We love how it's water based because a lot of homeopathy is alcohol based and patients don't always do well with the alcohol content.  The strength of the effect of the personalized remedy depends on how well the body can actually use or resonate with the information the water is holding, and whether the body has energy to make a change that the water wants.  Because it is energy medicine, the effect from ICs might be slower and much lighter, but that is probably why they don't have negative effects. I highly suggest using energy medicine in the form of ICs to help detox, reduce inflammation, support hormones, have better digestion and less pain.  Just leave in the description what your health concern is and we will make it for you!

$20 for a 4 week supply.

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