

Have the purifying power of ozone in your kitchen!

Ozonated water is "Water That Cleans™".  Whatever it comes into contact with becomes purified as well. Cutting boards, storage containers, etc.

Even if you purchase organic vegetables, that doesn't guarantee they are free of dangerous microbes.   

Easy to use, the Ozo-Pod will quickly bring 5 gallons of water up to 1PPM ozone concentration within minutes. That is a lethal level to almost any microbe that can make you sick.  Ozone also breaks down harmful long-chain molecules that are found in herbicides and pesticides. I was always looking for the best cleaner for my organic produce until now!

Just pour water into a receptacle of your choice, then place the pod so that it is completely submerged. Press the ON button and you are in business.  You will quickly find that the uses are endless:

  • Odiferous athletic gear

  • Vegetables from the farmer's market

  • The kitchen sink/garbage disposal

  • Smelly sponges

  • Smelly pets

The Ozo-Pods® are encased in stainless steel for a rugged yet elegant look for years of use, in the kitchen or campsite. 

  • Ozone is approved by both the USDA and the FDA for use in purifying drinking water as well as for food processing.

  • Ozone is a highly germicidal form of oxygen (it is also called "O3" or "tri-oxygen"). In fact, it is stronger than chlorine.

  • Within minutes, ozone reverts back to oxygen, leaving no residue, so it is a truly "green" water purification method.

  • Ozone, unlike UV light, has the ability to remove "off" tastes and odors.

OMG, I LOVE my Ozo-pod! I treated a pitcher of water before putting it through my zero water filter (for particulates) and it is soooo good! It is the freshest, cleanest - tasting water I've had in ages - and it doesn't taste flat like so many of the bottled waters. YAS! Thanks so much for the recommendation!” ~R.H.

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